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Do you still stock the Professional XP Chronograph?
Unfortunately we are not currently manufacturing the Professional XP Chronograph. Some of the crucial electronic components required to make the product have become globally obsolete. We are redesigning the circuit board to account for this change, but are several months away. Please let us know if you’d like to be added to a mailing list when it has been released again.
We do have other chronographs in stock. Below you will find links to the available options. If you have any questions, be sure to let us know. Thanks!
MKIV XP Variations:
- MKIV XP Timer/Chronograph (NO SkyScreen System)
- MKIV XP Timer/Chronograph w/M7 InfraRed SkyScreen System
- MKIV XP Timer/Chronograph w/M7 Standard SkyScreen System
Model 1 XP Variations: