A Display With Something To Say
The PACT MKIV XP communicates with you by sound and through its advanced 32 character alpha numeric display, instead of the tiny seven segment wristwatch display commonly found on other timers made from cheap repurposed MP3 players (sorry guys, but facts are facts). Like the PACT Club Timer 3, the MKIV clearly displays all of the information about a given shot (shot number, split time, total time) at a glance, without having to mess around with the timer. In addition the Championship Timer’s flexible display makes everything from PAR time entry, to the set up of complex training scenarios a snap.
A Buzzer You Can Hear
And A Full Function Key Pad
For some reason, many shooters are a little hard of hearing – particularly at the higher frequencies. We found that the commercially made buzzers simply didn’t cut it, they were either too high pitched or just not loud enough for use with hearing protection. We decided to bite the bullet and design and manufacture our own buzzer. It’s both ridiculously loud, and low frequency – easily heard through muffs without the RO having to hold the timer up to your head. Our purpose built 16 key keypad makes it super fast and easy to both enter and change PAR times, as well as access our Advanced Training Features.

Advanced Training Functions
The MKIV has some unique and useful advanced training functions built in to the unit. Let’s say you trying to get your reload time down on your El Pres. Using the Keyed Beep, you tell the timer to give you a beep 1.25 seconds after the 6th shot. You use the MKIV to time your El Pres as you normally would, but now when it hears the 6th shot it starts a secondary timer and will beep 1.25 seconds later – providing a hash mark to let you know where you are time wise on your reload. You can use the Benchmark Beep function to create beeps at different times to give you time goals on movement stages. There is also a Cadence function for ISU rapid fire. Comstock Go allows you to start a string with the time of the previous string(s) added to the beginning, The Start delay is fully adjustable as well, fixed or random.
Chronograph Functions
Your MKIV XP features include a top-of-the-line full-function chronograph – all you’d need to add are a set of Skyscreens. This allows your MKIV XP Timer to do double duty in both load development and velocity verification. The Chronograph features of the MKIV are quite advanced and make full use of our alpha-numeric LCD display. We also calculate IPSC Power Factor, Lead, and Trajectory.

Lots of Brains
Like the Professional Chronograph XP, the MKIV also features our “Hot Key” user interface. However instead of steering you into the advanced chronograph features, the Hot KeyTM interface makes it super easy to access our exclusive advanced training features . In addition to these standard features, which are guaranteed to enhance your performance on everything from the Steel Challenge to the Bianchi Cup, we’ve added some new tricks. The MKIV includes a similar ballistic computer found in the Professional Chronograph at no extra cost! This will help you zero your gun to perfection (yes you can use it to help you bag Bambi). The MKIV also has a lead calculator , a rate of fire indicator for the buzz gun folks (and those of you who think you can whip Ed McGivern) and a new cadence function for dry fire practice. We have quadrupled the memory size to incorporate future software upgrades. What form will they take? You tell us!