Hit Smarter
The Model 1 XP Chronograph delivers solid reliable and accurate chronograph performance at a great price. We incorporated the same Glint Guard2 Bullet Detection System we use on our top of the line PACT Professional Chronograph XP and include the new MKVI Skyscreen System and mounting bar at no extra cost. Image The advantage of using skyscreens over the little throw away down-range-box chronographs is that the chronograph itself sits safely next to you, where you can easily read the display and operate the controls. And of course when your buddy (never you) misses and hits a skyscreen, it can be repaired for a few dollars by simply replacing the damaged plastic pieces. The Model 1 XP displays shot number and velocity when you fire, and calculates the Average velocity, Extreme Spread, Standard and Average Deviation and of course allows you to recall the individual shots. This Chronograph, like all our products, is made by us here in America and comes with a lifetime warranty.